TLI Cycling Membership

Annual Membership

Membership of TLI Cycling is available to everybody aged 6 years and over and costs £25 for those aged 16 and over, £15 for those aged under 16 years of age, £5 Associate membership (non racing members). Full membership is on an annual basis, with the year commencing on the 1st of January, and is mandatory if you wish to compete in events on the open road. Benefits of annual membership for Junior and Senior members include public limited liability cover while out training and while involved in other TLI Cycling recognised activities such as club riding. It does not cover commuting and/or travelling between home and a place of work.

TLI Cycling is a voluntary organisation, run by its members for the benefit of our members and as such, as a member, you are expected to be involved in our day to day activities and may be required to at least occasionally help out with the organisation or marshalling of events.

How to join

Go to the ‘Join or Renew button, where you will directed to RiderHQ. You have the choice of paying online (with the option of paying by debit or credit card if you do not have a Stripe account). You will be emailed a membership card that must be produced when requested at any event entered throughout the year.

Age Categories

Youth CategoriesMale & Female
Aged 6 and over until 31 December of year in which 8th birthday fallsYE
From 1 January in year which 9th birthday falls to 31 December in year which 10th birthday fallsYD
From 1 January in year which 11th birthday falls to 31 December in year which 12th birthday fallsYC
From 1 January in year which 13th birthday falls to 31 December in year which 14th birthday fallsYB
From 1 January in year which 15th birthday falls to 31 December in year which 16th birthday fallsYA
Para-Cycling CategoriesMale & Female
MC 1 & 2will compete with the age group 10 years older. (Two Categories Older).
MC 3will compete with the age group 5 years older. (One Categories Older).
MC 4 & 5will compete with their correct age related group. (No Category Change).
Junior Age CategoriesMaleFemale
16 or 17JWJ
*On turning 16 riders have the option to compete either as a 'Youth A' or as a 'J' or, if female, as a 'WJ'. This is not reversible.
Senior Age Categories (Riders will change category on 1st January of the year of their appropriate birthday)MaleFemale
18 – 39SC
40 – 44AD
45 – 49BE
50 – 54CF
55 – 59DG
60 – 64EH
65 – 69FH
70 - 74GH

Membership Fees

Junior, Master & Senior

£25/year 16 years plus

Membership from 1st January 2024 - End of December 2024

Join or Renew


£15/year 6-16 years old

Membership from 1st January 2024 - End of December 2024

Join or Renew

Associate (Non racing)


Membership from 1st January 2024 - End of December 2024

Join or Renew